Today,12 when to 496 find,daoxiang,zhian,rosslyn,vivian.then after that went 464.then the weihao dog come down.x:!!then play soccer with two people.then playedplayed.when to boonlay de lan with weihao,zhian,cheeying.played dota for 1 hour because zhian need go played 1 hour only.then went home..
I just want you to know,i need you.come back to me.if you would give me a one last chance...just once..
just do a quick post.(: today when to 466 and saw vivian and rosslyn.weihao,chee ying and dao-ge go dk where.than after that they come,then went buy beer.then skipskip.then go to eateat then when home after that.(:
Today was fun!!after school have stupid supplementary class.untill 2.30 then go h.k.e there find dao-ge and co.than walk to jurong east there de there seat seat.then after that cabbed to 466,then vivian(laoboo)and rosslynjiejie at there le.then at there do home work.i do alittle than jiajun,chee ying,vivian help me do!:D.then after that everybody when home.then i also went home lor.:D.
LONG time no post mornign played dota with dao xiang,chee ying and weihao.was fun.(: after that,i went to chee ying house,vivian and daoxiang there.then we junxian come.then go void deck sitsit.than jeremy came after vivian go.skipskip,then went to boon lay lan to play dota.was also funfun luh (: then bused back home and byebye! :D
Today,didnt go school with daoxian.we seat bus then dont feel like going school and daoxian also dw go because if he go he need go see razak.than we walk from the jurong ville there to jjc!!!wtf,walk for 40 mins leh.then went boon lay market go eat.then he follow me go home,i bathed then accopany him go home.then eat then went to 496 there buy fishing de thing.then went fish fish then jiajun camed.then the rest camed.then slack slack then go back was very sibei fun de.(:
TODAY was FUCKING fun,(: went to daoxian house first before going to 466.actually want go play badminton,but than dw le.want go 466 play:D.than at daoxian house awhile before heading off to 466.went to take bus than reach 466 there.we went there,than vivian go home because she cannot stay too long.than we play basketball and slacking.suddenly raining very heavy.than we play true or dare because they want see.....shhh..better dont say.(: than play play need to go stand under rain for 5 seconds,than 10 seconds,than 1 min,than run around the basketball court!! daoxian,me,daoxiang sick sick le.because play under rain.chee ying also got play.but dk he got sick or not.than we play play,than rosslyn go home.They accompany her back,than zhian wallet lost!!!than he no mood no mood de.than he ownself go back first.he walk to infront de busstop.than went we take bus,we saw him at the same bus.(: we go seat with him.he take my phone go sent songs while me and dao xian play his psp.:D.we pei him untill his house busstop than we seat bus for one round than home sweet home.(: nth to post le,bye.:D